Nammo Defense Systems Inc. Mesa, Arizona
NDS Environmental Remediation Website
Administrative Order on Consent
This website was established by Nammo Defense Systems (NDS) as required by an Administrative Order on Consent (Order on Consent). The Order on Consent dated February 9, 2021 is an enforceable agreement between the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and NDS that provides a framework for environmental investigation and cleanup of the land and groundwater at and around the NDS facility in northeast Mesa, Arizona. This website will serve as a public repository for information regarding the environmental cleanup project. Although the Order on Consent is between EPA and NDS, NDS is working in partnership with EPA-designated stakeholders, including the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) and the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community’s (SRPMIC) Environmental Protection & Natural Resources (EPNR) to oversee the environmental work at this facility.
Site Contacts:
NDS Public Affairs:
C.J. Thompson
(480) 898-2565
Remedial Site Location
4051 North Higley Road
Mesa Arizona 85215